Sunday, 26 September 2010



Residents can have their say when Battle bus arrives
9:00am Sunday 26th September 2010

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WEST Midlands’ MEP, Nikki Sinclaire, is bringing her ‘Have Your Say’ Battle Bus to Worcester on Friday, October 1.

Her aim is to get 100,000 signatures for her petition to demand a referendum which would give British people the chance to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to being part of the European Union. She plans to visit 50 locations across the West Midlands by the end of February 2011 to rally support.

Anyone under the age of 53 has never had the chance to vote on this issue, which Nikki believes is wrong. The last time the UK held a referendum on the Common Market, at it was then known, was in 1975.

Despite the fact that, if successful, the campaign outcome could put her out of a job, Nikki thinks people should decide whether it is right that: The UK contributes £45 million a day to the EU – that’s £16,425,000,000 each year 75% of our UK laws are decided by the EU yet the UK has only 72 of the 736 MEPs in the EU Parliament Each day we buy £5 million more from EU countries then they buy from us Nikki Sinclaire and her Battle Bus will be at Tesco’s in St Peter’s Drive, Worcester from 10am to 3pm on Friday, October 1. As well as encouraging people to sign the petition, she’ll also be on hand to listen to people’s concerns, answer their questions and encourage them to take back control of their own country.

Nikki said: “I was elected to say NO to the EU and now I am giving the electorate a chance to have their say. This argument has gone on far too long - for the sake of our country, we need this issue settled once and for all”.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

What many people have not yet realised is that due to cereful negotiation AND ENTHUSIASM for the concept TESCO have given THE PETITION CAMPAIGN for AN EU REFERENDUM free use of their car parks to distribute leaflets for THE PETITION CAMPAIGN for AN EU REFERENDUM well done and Thank You TESCO.
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