Thursday, 30 September 2010

"Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. ..........

"Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. ..........
In a series of debates on socialism published in 1914,  John Basil Barnhill said:

"Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty."

It is self evident, from correspondence I have seen to day, that neither 
The Petition Campaign for an EU Referendum
The EU Referendum Campaign
see their initial aim as THE goal.

There will be teething problems as it is early days for both and there will be little mens big egos to deal with as they feel their days of being taken seriously slip away for them, having endlessly provided Einstein with his proof that:

'To repeat the same experiment over and over again and expect a different result is a sign of madness'.

I can not promise but I do believe we can make this time different.

For half a Century we have armed our Government to laugh at us - we have arrived with petitions of 1,000s, sometimes 10,000s even 100s of 1,000s telling our Government we are not serious and we are weak.

You will remember the contempt with which Tony Blair sneared at the electorate when over 1,000,000 marched through London - at his first available opportunity on his feet in The House of Commons he proudly announced this showed that 60,000,000 people in Britain did not march and they were content.

Some may remember his open mic. error when he retorted:
"F**k the electorate"
well he surely did!
He also stuck us with both the bill and the body bags!

It was then that it was made plain for all to see that we lived in a 'tyranny' as the Government had no fear of the people and it was this knowledge that gave him such contempt for the British peoples that he lied to Parliament, he lied to our Monarch and he used our troops as an armed force to carry out his personal goals for his personal ego - his lies led to Crimes Against Humanity and the slaughter of over a Million people - making terrorism on our streets a justifiable action for extremists.

With your help there are 4 differences this time:  

We are working together - not joining together each individual can take what action they believe is best, in this co-operative venture - whether that is making presentations to the press, lobbying MPs and other Politicians, showing that MPs, Councillors and MEPs seats will fall in disaray if they fail to represent the will of the people.

We are taking actions which are complimentary as separate organisations acting in harmony and co-operation, I for one am not nor will I be a member of any of the organisations but I will help any Patriot in any way I can to regain our Liberty as a free peoples with sovereign self determination, with our own borders, controlled by our own peoples and SERVED by our own politicians, that we can select and elect AND if they do not Serve in accord with their duty that we can Recall.

But in the background we have a core of people - who will NEVER be known putting together a structure, plans, vison and the very machinery of Government with a national organisation below the radar with organisers and Patriots across these United Kingdoms who are aware that our enemy is NOT membership of The EU, it is NOT some nebulous New World Order, it is NOT Globalism and it surely is NOT Common Purpose or Free Masonry. They bring each their own betrayals and self serving self interest.

Our Country's enemy is a self styles, self serving, self appointed Political elite backed by the betrayal of these United Kingdoms by The Mandarins and minions of The Civil Service and Government, funded by YOU for Your enslavement and their luxury life styles and feather bedded pensions.

As OUR Monarch said: "The enemy within".

Patriotism being carried out by gaining an initial 100,000 signatures with The Petition Campaign for an EU Referendum the delivery of that petition to Downing Street and to The Petition bag of The Speakers Chair is the first step in raising the publicity stakes to show we are NOT going to go away EVER.

Meanwhile The EU Referendum Campaign will be working to gain pledges of support and making MPs, councillors and MEPs aware that their constituents will NOT quit and DO threaten their seats.

Yes its all been done before but as we move towards our FIRST Million signatures, which is only a matter of collecting 100,000 9 more times, more and more people will become aware and signatures will snowball. 

"Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty."

Be oh so minded of this FACT when you reflect upon OUR Governments betrayal to the rule of aliens centralised in The EU under the malign New Constitution The Lisbon Treaty in all its irrelevant, unlawful dishonesty. 

IF YOU DOUBT that when The Government fears the people they have Liberty be minded that OUR Government and its parasites are currently not only funding the polygamy of Islam and its practices, but permitting variance of our planning laws for specific sectors of those who DEMAND, and also permitting the influx of Sharia Law not JUST to take precedence over British Law for they betrayed that many years ago to the corrupt and undemocratic concepts of Justice from the top down as a 'system of REPRESSION' under The EU's 'Corpus Juris' - but also precedent over the risible Justice of The EU.

Donations will help fund advertising (Can you fund 3 x 1/8 page in the Express for Patriotism just send us a cheque for £20K - or would you rather fund your enemies in taxes?). 

We need only do this 30 more times and we will have the entire adult population working for a free, Fair, Informed Britain and Patriotic Liberty.

We seek the fundamental Human Right of Freedom of Self Determination and it WILL be delivered.

As John Basil Barnhill said:
"Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty."

'The Enemy Within' would be wise to feel a frisson of fear for we will have Liberty.  

Our aim is Liberty and we will do what it takes - Some may parlez, some may protest, some may be hard to hold back from violence - But we will have OUR Liberty, we will appoint our own Servants and they WILL Serve us. 

We will NOT be bought off with a pat on the head and the assurance that our self serving Political elite and their neophites know best.

We will NOT be bought off with Aesopian language and NLP with their wording for a Referendum and their control of the budget and the media for OUR Referendum.
It will be a FAIR, Informed and EQUALLY FUNDED Referendum.

Do not forget that currently these United Kingdoms are NOT a Lawfull part of The EU as it has been openly admitted that Edward Heath and others of the self styled political elite not only lied to the British Peoples, Parliament and The Queen in Parliament but did so deliberately.

Edward Heath stated before the Nation in a David Frost interview that when he said 'There will be no essential loss of British Sovereignty'
he deliberately lied on behalf of the Government as they believed that if the British peoples knew the truth they would vote NO in the Referendum to enshrine The Treaty of Rome in British Law.

This ignoble betrayal was repeated on the floor of The House of Commons.

Since British Law at the time, upheld by The Treaty of Vienna, clearly stated that should one party to an agreement or contract mislead the other to obtain acquiescence, compliance, participation or commitment by another said agreement or contract shall be as void.

We were outright lied to and lied to with intent to deceive - Britain's authorisation of The Treaty of Rome is thus Null and Void.

Since no subsequent vote of the British peoples has been taken and all subsequent Treaties are merely ammendments of the former these United Kingdoms are NOT bound by said agreements or Treaties.

Thus for our 'Enemy within' to surrender £48 Millions per day of OUR money not only to a body ultra vires to British law in that it does not keep and present adequate legal books and accounting but which has no legal status in British law.

The money is therefore the passing over, by 'The Enemy Within', of stolen money obtained by deceit and handed to an illegal organisation under British Law.

That is not for one moment to fall back on our perfectly valid British Constitution which as recently as the last Government clearly stated that The Magna Carta was NOT an arcane document but a part not only of our heritage but also of our law and valid to this day - I quote The Rt. Hon. Jack Straw in his position as Foreign Secretary.

I am happy to engage with anyone who wishes to debate the issues of Treason and the invalidity of setting it aside under the terms of our Constitution.

Yes THIS TIME it is different because behind the activities of
The Petition Campaign for an EU Referendum
The EU Referendum Campaign
There is a Vision, an emerging Plan, a Determination to gain our Liberty by fair and legal means but be minded Liberty is achieved via One, Two, Three or Four boxes - let us hope 'The Enemy Within' has the good sense to permit the first two to avoid escalation to the Third & Fourth

The First Box is The Soap Box

The Second Box is The Ballot Box
The Third Box is The Ammunition Box

& may our Political elite and their parasites be spared the Fourth Box because:

The Fourth Box is A Coffin.

The John Basil BARNHILL Quote details can be found at CLICK HERE
The Magna Carta can be found CLICK HERE

Before you treat too lighty be minded to read CLICK HERE

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Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Jon Gaunt set for political campaign comeback?

Jon Gaunt set for political campaign comeback?

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Jon Gaunt set for political campaign comeback?

After being off the air following the sudden closure of SunTalk in July, shock jock Jon Gaunt is hinting on his Facebook page that he may be set for a return by entering politics as a campaigner.

Friends who follow "Gaunty" on Facebook note that he has been posting from Brussels, where he was making a video about the EU, and is linking to material on the European Referendum Campaign website.

The ERC objective is to gain as many referendums on the EU Lisbon Treaty in as many EU member states as possible.

Asked if he is entering politics, Gaunt posts: "Watch this space." 

To view the original of this snippet on Jon Slattery's Blog CLICK HERE
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Tuesday, 28 September 2010

** THE PETITION Campaign for an EU Referendum @ The Labour Conference.

** THE PETITION Campaign for an EU Referendum @ The Labour Conference.


since it was Nikki Sinclaire giving it large at The Labour Party Conference let's let her tell us in her own words about her initiative to promote The Petition Campaign for an EU Referendum which works closely and is complimented by The EU Referendum Campaign.

Working together there is every possibility that we can reach our goal of a Debate in Parliament leading to the fundamental Human Right, as defined in The Foundation Charter of The UN which states:


Self Determination is a Fundamental Human Right.

Isn't it in the cl;aimed belief that the peoples of Afghanistan and Iraq were entitled to The Fundamental Human Right of Self Determination that Britain and America told so very many lies to slaughter so many of them - Yet the Politicians at Westminster have denied us that fundamental Human Right.

At the Labour Party Conference

Taking the Campaign for a Referendum to the opposition in Manchester

With Tony Benn who was supportive of my initiative

With Ben Bradshaw MP I was trying to convert the inconvertable!

New Labour leader, Ed Milliband told his conference that politics is broken. What he didn't do like he did with Iraq, is to acknowledge and apologise for  the Labours complicity in breaking the democratic link between the people and the people who govern them.

Politics has been broken since we joined the Common Market in 1972 without the consent of the British people.  Subsequent governments, including Labour have transferred sovereignty to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. If he wants to fix politics he should begin by supporting my Campaign for a Referendum.

As you can see from the above photos I was in Manchester today and spoke at a fringe meeting at Central Hall promoting the petition. I have engaged in interesting conversations with Labour delegates including the veteran, principled campaigners Tony Benn and Dennis Skinner. Tony Benn showed support for my initiative and I hope he will give me his endorsement.

I also spoke with many europhiles including Ben Bradshaw who have no intention of giving the British people a say on their future - and they call themselves democrats!
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** WORCESTER NEWS reports for 01-Sep-2010 THE PETITION Battle Bus in Town!

** WORCESTER NEWS reports for 01-Sep-2010 THE PETITION Battle Bus in Town!

Residents can have their say when Battle bus arrives
Sunday 26th September 2010

WEST Midlands’ MEP, Nikki Sinclaire, is bringing her ‘Have Your Say’ Battle Bus to Worcester on Friday, October 1.

Her aim is to get 100,000 signatures for her petition to demand a referendum which would give British people the chance to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to being part of the European Union. She plans to visit 50 locations across the West Midlands by the end of February 2011 to rally support.

Anyone under the age of 53 has never had the chance to vote on this issue, which Nikki believes is wrong. The last time the UK held a referendum on the Common Market, at it was then known, was in 1975.

Despite the fact that, if successful, the campaign outcome could put her out of a job, Nikki thinks people should decide whether it is right that: The UK contributes £45 million a day to the EU – that’s £16,425,000,000 each year 75% of our UK laws are decided by the EU yet the UK has only 72 of the 736 MEPs in the EU Parliament Each day we buy £5 million more from EU countries then they buy from us Nikki Sinclaire and her Battle Bus will be at Tesco’s in St Peter’s Drive, Worcester from 10am to 3pm on Friday, October 1. As well as encouraging people to sign the petition, she’ll also be on hand to listen to people’s concerns, answer their questions and encourage them to take back control of their own country.

Nikki said: “I was elected to say NO to the EU and now I am giving the electorate a chance to have their say. This argument has gone on far too long - for the sake of our country, we need this issue settled once and for all”.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

What many people have not yet realised is that due to careful negotiation AND ENTHUSIASM for the concept TESCO have given THE PETITION CAMPAIGN for AN EU REFERENDUM free use of their car parks to distribute leaflets for THE PETITION CAMPAIGN for AN EU REFERENDUM well done and Thank You TESCO.
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*** Dan HANNAN Gets EURC in DAILY MAIL 28-Sep-2010

*** Dan HANNAN Gets EURC in DAILY MAIL 28-Sep-2010

How many more multi-billion pound EU orders must we cope with before the country goes bust?

By Harry Phibbs
Last updated at 12:51 PM on 28th September 2010
People queuing to enter a job centre in Kent
Join the queue: People look for work at a job centre in Kent

As the Government (including a good smattering of Europhile Lib Dem Ministers) faces up to the tough detailed work of cutting spending, they learn that their task is to be made just that bit harder courtesy of the EU.

The European Commission has apparently decided that the ‘habitual residency test’ which restricts the number of EU migrants entitled to claim welfare benefits is a breach of human rights. It is estimated that as a result the cost to the taxpayer could go up by £2.5 billion.

Last year, 46,957 non-UK nationals took the habitual residence test. Of those, 24,604 passed and 22,353 failed. Most of us would feel that those figures show the test should be strengthened rather than lifted.

Remember, this is already a problem which braver politicians - from Labour's Margaret Hodge to the Conservative's Peter Lilley - have been saying needs to be dealt with. Now we are told the rules are going to be loosened not tightened.
Instead of billions being saved, billions will be added to the bill that British citizens will be expected to stump up for. 

Regardless of what our elected politicians might think the decision will be taken in a hideous office block in Brussels by arrogant Eurocrats we have never heard of - still less elected.

Of course freedom of movement has tremendous advantages, and sometimes greater freedom would actually help. It is rather more difficult to employ teachers from Australia, New Zealand or South Africa for example (well-trained and for whom English is a first language) than teachers from the EU countries.

That’s all the more reason to stop overcrowding by benefit tourists so that we can leave room for those who have a useful contribution to make to our country.
A YouGov survey earlier this month asked the question: ‘If there was a referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union, how would you vote?’ 33 per cent plumped for: ‘I would vote for Britain to remain a member of the European Union.’ 47 per cent responded: ‘I would vote for Britain to leave the European Union.’ There were 5 per cent who said they wouldn't vote and 14 per cent who said they didn’t know. But that poll, by a reputable firm with a balanced sample of nearly 2,000 people, gives us a pretty good indication that if we got the chance we would pull out of the EU.

The Conservative Euro MP Dan Hannan says: ‘Yet this opinion finds almost no echo in Parliament. Only two-and-a-half per cent of MPs are declared opponents of EU membership; if you exclude Northern Ireland MPs, the figure drops to below one per cent.’

Lots of MPs might privately say we should pull out, but what's the good of that? Hannan has a valid point and he has launched the EU Referendum Campaign which is gathering signatures to demand we should be given our chance to pass judgement.
Jobseekers visit a job centre in Glasgow
Benefits bonanza? The EU has warned Britain it can't stop thousands more migrants claiming welfare handouts, but will the country be able to afford it?

With such issues as benefit tourism showing us the massive indirect costs of our EU membership, the amazing thing is that it still gets as much support as it does.

Just a couple of weeks ago we learnt that Thames Water was planning to spend £4 billion on a ‘Super Sewer’ programme to provide some marginal benefit to water quality in the River Thames - which is already high by international standards. The £4 billion (which is being passed on to customers) is way out of proportion to the health and environmental benefits. Yet, it turns out that the scheme is to comply with an EU directive. How many more of these multi-billion pound EU directives are we expected to cope with before the country goes bust?

Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith is prepared to fight the EU demand through the courts over the benefits tourism. Good for him.

Duncan Smith is a long standing Eurosceptic - bravely joining the Maastricht rebels when he was a newly elected Tory MP back in 1992. It is not hard to imagine his feelings at being expected to find an extra couple of billion out of his admittedly large but diminishing budget.

But what if he loses the court battle? When will David Cameron and Nick Clegg agree to say: ‘No?’
For the message to be credible they need to put our membership on the line.

To read the original article CLICK HERE
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*+** Hazel Leads The Day at THE PETITION

*+** Hazel Leads The Day at THE PETITION


The Petition Campaign for an EU Referendum is proving hugely successful and providing The Peoples' Petition to support and assist the EU Referendum Campaign which is acting in a complimentary capacity - though we do expect efforts from the dog in the manger brigade who are not true Patriots but will try to drive a wedge between the various genuine campaigns for their personal gain.

You will find it easy to spot the true patriots as they will be only too happy to put their shoulder to any wheell of co-operation for these United Kingdoms leaving their childish rivalries and self interest politically behind them.

Already these two Campaigns are running well together - though from time to time the odd ego will slip out of the box and make a fool of itself of that you can be sure when you have INDEPENDENT campaigners from any and no political Party and every wing and walk of life in our society.

Nikki Sinclaire MEP as the driving force that launched The Peoples' Petition for an EU Referendum is now ably assisted by her team and Mike Nattrass MEP who is also doing sterling work. Whilst Paul Nuttall MEP is doing all he can to promote the success of the Alliance by lending his weight to James Pryor and his team at the EU Referendum campaign.

I gather The Petition for an EU Referendum has now topped 20,000 signatures and is 1/5th. of the way to its initial target of 100,000 signatures - which are flooding in from all corners of these United Kingdoms together with donations from The People backing The Petition and its aims.

The funding is really important as the aim is to use every penny7 piece donated to advance The Petition itself - already there are well advanced plans for a magasine to promote The Petition and the co-operation with the EU Referendum campaign and James Pryor's group with their direct action campaign to make Politicians and business ever more aware and more responsive.

Today Nikki Sinclaire MEP, in the belief that Britain before Brussels is important did not go to waste time in The EU Parliament enjoying the luxury and benefits of her expense account but did some worthwhile work and drove to North wales to be with an incredible lady and to thank Hazel for her achievements so far.

Let us let Nikki Sinclaire tell it in her own words:

A true inspiration

Today I had the pleasure of meeting Hazel from North Wales who has collected over 500 signatures for the 100,000 petition ‘Campaign for a Referendum’ on the UK’s membership of the EU. Hazel has never been a member of a political party and only found out about the campaign when a friend showed her the leaflet. She felt so strongly about the cause, she immediately went out and completed the first form and then contacted my office for more forms. 
Hazel recently lost her husband who she cites as her inspiration. Shortly before his death she found him crying, she asked him why. He replied that he was upset about his country and the mess the politicians have made of it. Hazel told me this campaign was way overdue and the British people deserved a say on how they were governed. She goes out two/three times a day and has vowed to continue.
My mum, despite a recent hip operation and a problematic recovery has collected over 300 signatures. We get many calls to the office and receive lots of completed forms on a daily basis. I am overwhelmed at the level of support and the dedication of these people who truly are a inspiration to our cause.
The really pleasing part of this whole effort is: 
Firstly just how well received it is 'on the doorstep'.
Secondly how rapidly & willingly the two campaigns are working together.
Thirdly the fact that The Petition is getting completed sheets of signatures from all over Britain - many downloaded from this site and their own.
Fourthly just how widespread the response is, as it was initially feared it would take a while to spread beyond The West Midlands where it was launched.
ANY HELP any contribution and any support for the two campaigns is very welcome - this is a totally cross Part initiative and is NOT about childish egos it is about two organisations acting together in their own particular ways out of Patriotism and a belief in the Democratic Rights of The British Peoples.
Handing Self Determination to The British People.
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Monday, 27 September 2010

** Ask NOT what THE Petition can do for YOU @ The Labour Party Conference

** Ask NOT what THE Petition can do for YOU @ The Labour Party Conference


don't forget Nikki Sinclaire will be in Manchester for The Labour Party Conference
Nikki is presenting The Petition Campaign for an EU Referendum at a fringe meeting:

Here are the details from the DIARY EVENTS page on the tabs above!
28-Sep-2010 - 19:00 - 19:30hrs.
Manchester - Labour conference FRINGE
Central Hall Oldham Street, Manchester, M1 1JQ
Details: 0121 - 350 5933 -

Nikki will have her battle bus:
If YOU can help Nikki either during the day or in the evening and would like to be a part of her team working for a Referendum getting signatures for The Petition or if you just need more details contact :

Tel 0330 440 8434
PO Box 15262
B90 9FY
Nikki Sinclaire's office will be able to put you in touch and tell you all you need to know as to how YOU can help.

Call on Monday for details or at least by Tuesday lunch time.

Nikki Sinclaire will be dashing around as she has to try to get to North Wales to say a very personal thank YOU to a lady there who has already filled in 50 Petition sheets with 10 names, addresses and post codes per page
500 People Signed by ONE Lady! 

Then as she has said on her blog her sinuses have been playing up with an infection but although the anti biotics are working for the infection they seem not to much help with her eye strain.

This is why her blogging and letter writing have fallen away as use of the computer screen has been causing horrendous head aches, So I gather from my contacts that she is trying to fit in a visit to an optician - just the right age for glasses to maybe provide the solution.

Good luck - eyes are NOT to be ignored so let us hope it is JUST the infection not full scale decrepitude as with my eyesight!

So any help YOU can give will be welcome.

'Ask NOT what THE Petition can do for YOU
Ask what YOU can do for THE Petition'

Sunday, 26 September 2010



Residents can have their say when Battle bus arrives
9:00am Sunday 26th September 2010

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WEST Midlands’ MEP, Nikki Sinclaire, is bringing her ‘Have Your Say’ Battle Bus to Worcester on Friday, October 1.

Her aim is to get 100,000 signatures for her petition to demand a referendum which would give British people the chance to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to being part of the European Union. She plans to visit 50 locations across the West Midlands by the end of February 2011 to rally support.

Anyone under the age of 53 has never had the chance to vote on this issue, which Nikki believes is wrong. The last time the UK held a referendum on the Common Market, at it was then known, was in 1975.

Despite the fact that, if successful, the campaign outcome could put her out of a job, Nikki thinks people should decide whether it is right that: The UK contributes £45 million a day to the EU – that’s £16,425,000,000 each year 75% of our UK laws are decided by the EU yet the UK has only 72 of the 736 MEPs in the EU Parliament Each day we buy £5 million more from EU countries then they buy from us Nikki Sinclaire and her Battle Bus will be at Tesco’s in St Peter’s Drive, Worcester from 10am to 3pm on Friday, October 1. As well as encouraging people to sign the petition, she’ll also be on hand to listen to people’s concerns, answer their questions and encourage them to take back control of their own country.

Nikki said: “I was elected to say NO to the EU and now I am giving the electorate a chance to have their say. This argument has gone on far too long - for the sake of our country, we need this issue settled once and for all”.

To view the original article CLICK HERE

What many people have not yet realised is that due to cereful negotiation AND ENTHUSIASM for the concept TESCO have given THE PETITION CAMPAIGN for AN EU REFERENDUM free use of their car parks to distribute leaflets for THE PETITION CAMPAIGN for AN EU REFERENDUM well done and Thank You TESCO.
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Nikki SINCLAIRE & Mike NATTRASS, James Pryor & Bridget Rowe @ EDP MEETING for The PETITION!

Nikki SINCLAIRE & Mike NATTRASS, James Pryor & Bridget Rowe @ EDP MEETING for The PETITION!



The Keynote Guests at The English Democrats' AGM were on The Saturday John Gaunt of radio celeb status, an avowed and OUT EUrosceptic and James Pryor and Bridget Rowe were there to meet and greet old friends and new in promoting their EU Referendum Campaign - complimentary, as you can see if you CLICK HERE to the Key Note speakers on The Sunday who were Nikki Sinclaire & Mike Nattrass promoting THE Petition Campaign for A Referendum.

Here is Sinclaire's blog entry just now:

Speaking at the English Democrats

 I along with fellow West Midlands MEP, Mike Nattrass was pleased to have the opportunity to speak at the English Democrat AGM in Nottingham today having had a very successful business breakfast meeting with their leadership team.
We spoke individually and then took questions about the European Union, being an MEP, and the Campaign for a Referendum. It was an enjoyable and interesting experience exchanging views and developing an understanding of each other’s perspective.
It is these cross party initiative that are so important if we are going to win the day. 
I look forward to further dialogue.
Ps.  I was quite surprised to learn during our breakfast meeting the overtures made by Malcolm Pearson towards an electoral pact during the general election.
Pearson supported by Steve Crowther and Peter Reeeve met with the English Democrat leadership, with the blessing of Nigel Farage
Constituencies where UKIP would not stand were agreed however, as with so much else Pearson undertakes, he reneged on this undertaking costing UKIP considerable support in the areas that they had agreed.


two complimentary Buses with different and complimentary routes to the same destination and a rag tag of fly by night taxis trying to pick up funding and a few bewildered passengers put out by The UKIP Garage.
Should that be UKIP's Farage as the last two petitions he has been party to were nothing more than blatant scams.
They were NEVER delivered and the £1/4 Million of tax payers money that went into one was never accounted, and seems to have vanished into the pockets of those responsible, as did possibly £1+ million or more from the Ashford scam, seemingly founded on the addresses garnered from the petition, and a breech of the ethics of Data Protection!
It is worrying that even after the huge amount of money that went missing unaccounted from Ashford where even David Bannerman as Farage's puppet chairman admitted there had been no control and less than 15% of the money collected for UKIP ever reached the party, whether that included the money laundered through Graham Booth's hotel accounts he did not specify!!
To see the same team - Farage, Bannerman and Croucher (with Lott once more, presumably again using the data base - mailing out letters to promote Farage's financial interests) all merrily launching a new fleet of 'dodgey taxis' but even more purturbingly doing it in a childish and petulent assault on The Peoples' Petition because it is run by Nikki Sinclaire MEP, aided now by Mike Nattrass MEP and The EU Referendum Campaign because James Pryor and Bridget Rowe set it up and Dan Hannan MEP and Paul Nuttall MEP have joined it!!
You will even note that Farage has his team all working closely together for his re-election, and clearly states NOTHING about a petition but openly advocates a call center. Be minded when he pronounced that Ashford was the most successful thing UKIP has ever done yet, to the press, for whom one must ask, as 85% of the money raised AT LEAST would seem to have vanished! We note he clearly states his intention to set up another 'Call Center'!
You may care to note that since the article below was written it has been agreed that form a point of referrence for GENUINE petitions and although JUNIUS somewhat harshy claims Farage was refused participation - strictly that is not true just as he was not refiused co-operation with Libertas and Declan Ganley it seems there he was refused access to the funds and with The EURC hethey were not willing to put him in charge!
So like a spoilt child he registered Libertas at Companies House to try to blackmail declan Ganley - he failed (as of course did Ganley but little wonder!).
It looks like de Ja Vu all over again! Farage is acting like a spoilt child and using UKIP to try to run a spoiler annoyed that those who have moved onno longer enthralled watching him feather his own nest at the expense of Britain and UKIP.
What must particularly annoy is that The Peoples' Petition is already up to about 20,000 (exact No. not counted as they have only counted full sheets of 10 signatures those with 9 0r less have not been counted and are slowly being filled by incoming phone calls - the estimated 20,000 I am assured is a fair judgement) - either way that outstrips Farage's previous petitions!
The aim is to get the first 100,000 and deliver them to Drowning Street and the certificate of delivery with the petition to The Speaker's Chair as demanded by our democracy. It is expected that the donations already in on top of Ms. Sinclaire's substantial personal contribution will now put The Peoples' Petition in a self liquidating position to advertise to back and promote the achievement with the second and subsequent 100,000s progressively easier to obtain as the public catch on.
Meanwhile the efforts of The EURC ploughs its own complimentary furrow working with The Peoples' Petition but aimed at solid promotion of the need for a referendum on In or OUT of The EU with politicians, Councils, Commerce and big businesses - already Labour EUro Safeguards Campaign is on board as are The Boo Group and representatives of major Trades Unions.
Please enlarge this form to the appropriate size and print off a few to get filled in by family and friends - neighbours and work mates - maybe even strangers!!
For details of how YOU can help and participate CLICK HERE
The Third Bus
Author: Andy Carling
12 September 2010 - Issue : 902
The Brits, with their characteristic downbeat outlook have a saying, “you wait forever for a bus and then three arrive at the same time”. A situation that anyone who has been hanging around Place Luxembourg can relate to. 
And so, it applies to referendum petitions. The British eurosceptics, peeved at being denied a referendum on Lisbon have been racing to organize campaigns, asking the Brits to sign petitions asking for a referendum on EU
So far, three have turned up. It’s uncertain how many more are due.
First out the starting gate was Nikki Sinclaire MEP, who left the EFD Group because of what she saw as anti-semitism and homophobia amongst its members. Her campaign, which she dubs ‘the people’s petition’ is trying to raise 100,000 signatures. She argues that the UK is neither in, nor outside the EU and a referendum on membership will provide a firm position for the country’s future relationship with Europe, either inside or outside the union.
She is touring the UK garnering signatures. She claims to have had 10,000 in the first week of campaigning.
UKIP responded to this by launching a referendum petition of their own their third in recent years. One that closed in 2008 had 10,782, another one, launched in November 2009, seems to have disappeared. It remains to be seen how the latest will do, but there doesn’t seem to be much promotion behind it and it is said that some UKIP people are a little embarrassed about launching a second petition.
Enter Dan Hannan. He has launched a third petition. This is the slickest of them all, and possibly crucially, has support from the left and right. The move, which announces itself as a “ballsy, cutting edge campaign” is getting the most press and is a much more professional effort, even though it was the last one off the ground. They say that, “It’s a sad fact that Britain is sleepwalking into the European Super-State and Britain must wake up to the nightmares hiding under the sheets of Brussels. EU laws and directives made without our knowledge or consent, behind locked doors of the most complicated clauses and sub-clauses imaginable.”
Sadly, there is no joint campaign against cliches and tired metaphors. To view the full article CLICK HERE as it seems there is also no joint campaign for tired associations to fill column inches!
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