Monday, 8 August 2011

THE Nikki Sinclaire Petition for an EU Referendum

THE Nikki Sinclaire Petition for an EU Referendum

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~THE Nikki Sinclaire Petition for an EU Referendum reaches over 100,000!

Press coverage in a number of papers was earlier promised I hear but with tonight's mindless and moronic violence British Patriots may be disapointed by the sensationalism of the media!

congratulations to UKIP member and Independent MEP Nikki Sinclaire  - it was great to see the progress with the Petition for an EU Referendum Campaign which she launched and now has The Sun also involved.
Thank you SUN readers!
Further to the advert in the SUN last Friday Nikki Sinclaire's office received a substantial postbag this morning - in fact two!

Well that's a start with the first bag!

congratulations - it was great to see the progress with The Sun also involved. I presume these letters include some full sheets of signatures that some may have downloaded and are vetted to remove duplication, as with the initial 100,000. I trust the signatures on line have also grown significantly. Good luck with the massive mail out of 65,000 magazines when that happens. Well done to Mike Nattrass & Trevor Colman as MEPs ex EFD for having contributed to help. It was sad to see the rump Faragistas all trying to run flack by supporting the rather muddled Express campaign which seems to have run into a sand trap!

Huge response again for the Campaign today

Today Nikki Sinclaire's office was extremely busy answering calls about the campaign with huge media interest. 
In the photo below you can see almost a full bag of post she and her team managed to send out following the huge demand for petition forms and more info. 
65,000 glossy printed copies of the campaign magazine published on line last week will be dispatched in the post by an independent mailing company this Wednesday.

 All of this obviously costs a great deal of money and has been utterly dependent on donations by Nikki Sinclaire herself and her supporters.

I'm fairly sure any donations to help pay for adverts or to keep the ad vans on the raod would be more than welcome!

Now badged to The Petition Campaign
Having done sterling work in The HS2 Campaign
It looks as if tomorrow will be a big day in the media with the results but let us as Patriots working for withdrawal from The EU hope that neither the unrest in London nor the petty band wagon jumpers try to harm this initiative which has done so well.

. .
 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62
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