Wednesday 4 May 2011



As Is Shown by Trevor COLMAN, Mike NATTRASS, Nikki SINCLAIRE & their hard working and dedicated staff!

congratulations as the campaign for a Petition for an In/Out EU Referendum continues apace with yet another advertisement in The Daily Mail:
Well done to the 3 UKIP elected MEPs Nikki Sinclaire MEP, Mike Nattrass MEP and Trevor Colman MEP who have opted to re-establish their credibility liberated from the thrall of the odious Pan EU EFD Political Group set up by Nigel Farage in return for money yet happy to espouse and support both morally and financially Racism, violent anti Homosexuality, pro EU membership with delusions of reform and anti Judaism.

Now they are free these 3 MEPs are able to extole and support the views and aims of the grass roots supporters of UKIP - the voters of their constituencies who put them in place to actively campaign to Leave-The-EU.

This is EXACTLY what they are doing for the electorate and working in conjunction with The Peoples' EU Referendum Campaign Pledge which is sponsored by Tony Blackwell and managed by James Pryor and Bridget Rowe for the people WITHOUT the domination of Political self servers who just like UKIP's discreditted leadership have their parasites having a hissy fit to TRY to sabotage these Patriotic initiatives.

Well done to Colman, Nattrass & Sinclaire.

I hear the click rate on the web site was notable and the calls consistent on Saturday with the first of the series of adverts. I gather the mail bag since has been spectacular and now with the second of these campaign ads I hear the phone and the web site are moving forward apace with yet more mail coming in.

Let us hope at about £10,000 per advert donations will pay to keep the campaign rolling forward.

It would be nice to see UKIP doing something worthwhile rather than squabbling like ferrets in a sack to establish their credentials for the crumbs from the troughs on the gravy train!

If only UKIP had leadership as it has in Nigel Farage a very competent salesman and performer but as a party has NEVER had leadership of any ability hence the odious parasites who scramble up the ladder on the dung heap that is the rump of UKIP having driven out anyone of calliber or competence.

There is no merit and the party is hugely demeaned by the endless bullying and lies promoted attacking anyone who dare seek to clean-up the party to try to make it a party decent informed folk might be prepared to support and vote for.

The greatest damage done to UKIP has clearly been done by the leadership team and its parasites who have shown it up for what it is a venal self serving and self enriching collection of individuals bereft of vision, values or morality.

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