Saturday 5 February 2011

87% Of British People Want MORE EU DEBATE 'cos THERE'S A THIEF ABOUT

87% Of British People Want MORE EU DEBATE 'cos THERE'S A THIEF ABOUT

87% of the British public think the EU needs to debated nationally

In an exclusive ComRes poll on behalf of the EU Referendum Campaign, it was revealed that the British public clearly want more of a national debate about the pros and cons of being in the EU. They feel that more information about the EU is needed.

The public were asked if they agree or disagree that “There should be more of a national debate about the pros and cons of being in the EU so that the public are better informed”: 
Agree: 87%
Disagree: 7%
Don’t know: 6%

James Pryor, Chief Executive of the EU Referendum Campaign said “The British people want the truth about our membership of the EU to be brought out into the open. They want to know what it means for them and their families. The politicians have to start telling them the truth about our relationship with the EU.  Why can’t the people have a say? Why can't we have a referendum?  What are the politicians afraid of? The debate has, for far too long, been kept in the Westminster Village where it has constantly been kicked into the long grass  and this has created the most appalling democratic deficit of our times”

ComRes Chairman Andrew Hawkins said: “There is an overwhelming sense not only of suspicion towards some of the key EU competences but also that people feel kept in the dark about why Britain is in the EU.  Given the resonance of ‘ever closer union’ and the enthusiasm in some quarters for direct fiscal powers – which have been floated as a response to the economic crisis – I cannot help but think British public opinion is on a collision course with the EU.”

For further enquiries please contact:
Director of Communications EU Referendum Campaign
07548 530 855
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